Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Kiss me now that I'm older

First thing's first: spent a lot of time this afternoon listening to the most recent Strokes album and that Keane album that Ben recommended in this very blog a month or so ago. Totally grooving on both of them. The Strokes turn out to be magic music for fixing the little sorting bugs that I'm working on. Keane reminds me a bit of Rufus Wainwright crossed with Thom Yorke. (That's a good thing.)

Second thing's second: I think I scared the carpool boys by telling them that I have a DJ coming to my party. Now granted it's a friend (well, a friend of a friend), but that combined with the tiara that I plan to acquire and wear means that you know it's going to be an awesome party.

Third thing's third: this afternoon I got tickets to see Badly Drawn Boy on Friday night. And so my resolve to get my butt out to see live music more often rages on unchecked.

Okay, you knew it was coming. The vice presidential debate. I haven't actually read any media reactions to it yet since I just got finished watching it on TiVo. I think Cheney won pretty decisively. Edwards really disappointed me -- I was expecting a better performance from someone trained as a litigator. Cheney was able to capitalize on the experienced elder statesman stuff, and I suspect that the polls in the next couple of days will bear this out.

I'm glad that there are two more presidential debates and no more vice presidential ones. I believe that Bush will do better in the town hall format than he did in last week's debate, so I'm really glad that the final debate is going to use the original format. Of the four candidates, I think Kerry comes across the best in the debates hands down, but I have to say that Cheney edges Edwards out for second place.


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