Sunday, October 24, 2004

Party post-mortem

There was leg-wrestling. I got serious fashion props from Jan. That about says it all.

(However, since I'm me, I'll continue to say more anyway.)

When I was cleaning up from the party this morning, I was amazed at the sheer quantity of alcohol we managed to go through. I should have had more faith in our invitees and their friends. Because Miriam was out of town, it's the first time I've thrown a party like that in years where there hasn't been at least one other linguist present. I thought only Cassies and Justins and TomMcFs and Heathalouises* drank like that.

On the matter of alcoholic linguists, I was thinking this morning that I need to find a place like The 700 Club in Philly here in Seattle. Such a place clearly has to exist here, somewhere, but I haven't been able to track it down. I think I'm going to make that my mission over the next month or two. (Ben? This is your cue to pop in and helpfully provide me with the information I'm looking for.)

*honorary linguist


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